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Explore more sustainable possiblities

Explore the possibilities of a sustainable future.

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Working hard to provide you with premium, reclaimed materials at Evolutia

How Evolutia is Making the World a Better Place

Working hard to provide you with premium, reclaimed materials at Evolutia

Working hard to provide you with premium, reclaimed materials at Evolutia

Each day Evolutia reclaims and inventories a variety of materials from the different sites. Our most common type of material is reclaimed wood and along with it are a multitude of species and subspecies. We also salvage different types of stones or bricks depending on the site. Some of the more unique discoveries are the found objects such as large doors, windows, sinks, and detailed accents.

Once the material is reclaimed, Evolutia takes it to the next process of preparing the wood for actual reuse which may involve de-nailing and cutting to size. Since we never know what all we will find at these reclamation sites, Evolutia encourages those who are interested in anything specific to give us a call or contact us via submission below. Even if we do not currently have it it inventoried at our warehouse, the item or material you are looking for may just be at one of our reclamation sites yet to be found!